by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
MATTHEW 5:33-37SWEAR NOT AT ALL We will examine today the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 5:33-37. This is a passage that deals with the matter of oath and swearing. Matthew 5:33-37 reads like this.Matthew 5:33. Again you have heard that it was said to those of...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
MATTHEW 5:38-42 TURN TO HIM THE OTHER CHEEK Some time ago, I was working with someone who asked me about my religion. The question came rather suddenly. We were having a superficial conversation when he asked me, ‘By the way, what’s your religion?’ He thought that I...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
MATTHEW 5:43-48LOVE YOUR ENEMIES It is a well-known fact that Jesus’ teaching stresses the commandment to love. In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus points out that the extent of its application must be universal and not limited to certain people. This is what He says.Matthew...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
MATTHEW 6:1-8 DO NOT DO YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS BEFORE MEN We will study today the question of the practice of piety for the Christian and we will be looking at the beginning of chapter 6 of the gospel of Matthew. We will consider Matthew 6:1-8 and 16-18. We are going to...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
MATTHEW 6:9aOUR FATHER Let me recite to you a passage that you probably all know by heart. This passage is found in Matthew 6:9-13 and it says this.Matthew 6:9. In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.10 Your kingdom come. Your...