Catalog Studies of Jesus Words READ | LISTEN | DOWNLOAD RECENT RECORDINGS Luke 2:49 | I must be about my Father's business /wp-content/uploads/2024/12/401-I-must-be-about-my-Fathers-business-Lk-249.mp3 Acts 2:38 | Baptism (5): Receiving the Holy Spirit /wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Baptism-5-Receiving-the-Holy-Spirit-Acts-238.mp3 John 7:38 | Rivers of living water /wp-content/uploads/2023/11/201-Rivers-of-living-water-Jn-738.mp3 John 14:21 | I will manifest myself (1) /wp-content/uploads/2022/12/I-will-manifest-myself-1-Jn-1421.mp3 John 14:21 | I will manifest myself (2) /wp-content/uploads/2023/06/I-will-manifest-myself-2-Jn-1421.mp3 CATALOG All1Matthew2Mark3Luke4John5Baptism Luke 2:14 | Peace toward men of good will (1) Luke 2:14 | Peace toward men of good will (2) Luke 2:49 | I must be about my Father’s business Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus Luke 4:1-4 | The temptation of Christ (1) Luke 4:5-8 | The temptation of Christ (2) Luke 4:9-13 | The temptation of Christ (3) John 2:13-22 | In three days I will raise it up John 3:14-15 | The bronze serpent Matthew 4:17 | Repent Matthew 4:18-22 | I will make you fishers of men Matthew 4:18-22 | Called to be saints Matthew 5:3 | Blessed are the poor in spirit Matthew 5:4 | Blessed are those who mourn Matthew 5:5 | Blessed are the meek (1) Matthew 5:5 | Blessed are the meek (2) Matthew 5:6 | Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness Matthew 5:7 | Blessed are the merciful Matthew 5:8 | Blessed are the pure in heart Matthew 5:9 | Blessed are the peacemakers Matthew 5:10-12 | Blessed are those who are persecuted Matthew 5:1-12 | The Beatitudes and the fruit of the Spirit (1) Matthew 5:1-12 | The Beatitudes and the fruit of the Spirit (2) Matthew 5:1-12 | The Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer Matthew 5:13 | You are the salt of the earth (1) Matthew 5:13 | You are the salt of the earth (2) Matthew 5:14-16 | You are the light of the world Matthew 5:17-20 | I have come to fulfill the law Matthew 5:21-26 | Thou shall not kill Matthew 5:27-30 | Thou shall not commit adultery Matthew 5:33-37 | Swear not at all Matthew 5:38-42 | Turn to him the other cheek Matthew 5:43-48 | Love your enemies Matthew 6:1-8 | Do not do your righteousness before men Matthew 6:9a | Our Father Matthew 6:9b | Heaven Matthew 6:9c | Hallowed by Thy name Matthew 6:10 | Thy kingdom come Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (1) Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (2) Matthew 6:12 | Forgive us our debts Matthew 6:13 | Lead us not into temptation Matthew 6:22-23 | The lamp of the body is the eye Matthew 7:1-5 | Do not judge lest you be judged Matthew 7:6 | Do not give what is holy to dogs Matthew 7:7-11 | Ask and it shall be given to you Matthew 7:12 | Do also to them Matthew 7:13-14 | Enter by the narrow gate Matthew 7:15-20 | Beware of false prophets Matthew 7:21-23 | I never knew you Matthew 7:24-27 | Build your house upon the rock Matthew 8:5-13 | I have not found such faith in Israel Matthew 8:19-22 | The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head Luke 9:62 | No man who looks back is fit for the kingdom Matthew 10:5-15 | Find out who is worthy Matthew 10:24-33 | Fear not Matthew 10:34-36 | I came to bring a sword Matthew 10:38-39 | He who does not take his cross Matthew 11:1-11 | Greater than John the Baptist Matthew 11:12 | The kingdom of God has been forcefully coming Matthew 11:13-24 | To what shall I compare this generation Matthew 11:25-30 | I will give you rest Matthew 11:30-12:5 | My yoke is easy Matthew 12:1-8 | The Son of Man is Lord Matthew 12:22-29 | The kingdom of God has come upon you Matthew 12.30a | He who is not with Me is against Me Matthew 12:30b | He who does not gather with Me scatters Matthew 12:31-32 | Blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven Matthew 12:38-42 | No sign shall be given but the sign of Jonah Matthew 12:43-45 | The last state of that man is worse Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (1) Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (2) Matthew 13:10-17 | The purpose of parables Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (3) Luke 8:16-18 | The parable of the lamp and the measure Mark 4:26-29 | The parable of the growing seed Matthew 13:24-30 | The parable of the tares Matthew 13:31-32 | The parable of the mustard seed Matthew 13:33 | The parable of the leaven Matthew 13:44 | The parable of the hidden treasure (1) Matthew 13:44 | The parable of the hidden treasure (2) Matthew 13:45-46 | The parable of the pearl Matthew 13:47-50 | The parable of the dragnet Matthew 13:51-52 | Scribes trained for the kingdom of heaven Matthew 14:13-21 | You give them something to eat Matthew 14:22-33 | Come to me on the water Matthew 15:21-28 | O woman, great is your faith Matthew 16:13-20 | You are Peter (1) Matthew 16:13-20 | You are Peter (2) Matthew 16:21-23 | You are an offense to me Matthew 16:27-28 | Some standing here shall not taste death Matthew 17:14-21 | O faithless and perverse generation Matthew 17:14-21 | You will say to this mountain Matthew 18:1-4 | Unless you become like children Matthew 18:5-9 | That man through whom the stumbling block comes Matthew 18:10 | Their angels always behold the face of My Father Matthew 18:15-20 | If your brother sins Matthew 18:21-35 | The parable of the unforgiving servant Mark 9:49-50 | Everyone will be salted with fire John 7:38 | Rivers of living water Matthew 19:1-9 | Let not man separate Matthew 19:10-12 | Those to whom it has been given Matthew 19:13-15 | To such belongs the kingdom of heaven Matthew 19:16-21 | If you want to enter life Matthew 19:22-24 | It is hard for a rich man Matthew 19:30 | Many who are first will be last Matthew 20:1-16 | The parable of the workers in the vineyard Mark 10:32-45 | Whoever desires to become great Mark 10:46-52 | Your faith has made you well Mark 11:12-21 | Let no one eat fruit from you Mark 11:27-33 | Was it from heaven or from men Luke 10:25-37 | The parable of the good Samaritan Luke 10:38-42 | One thing is needful Luke 11:5-13 | The parable of the friend at midnight Luke 12:13-21 | The parable of the rich fool Luke 12:49-50 | I came to send fire on the earth Luke 13:6-9 | The parable of the barren fig tree Luke 14:7-11 | The parable of the guests Luke 14:12-24 | The parable of the great banquet Luke 14:25-33 | Count the cost Luke 14:26 | If anyone comes to Me and does not hate Luke 15:1-7 | The parable of the lost sheep Luke 15:8-10 | The parable of the lost coin Luke 15:11-32 | The parable of the lost son Luke 16:1-13 | The parable of the shrewd steward Luke 16:19-31 | The parable of the rich fool and Lazarus (1) Luke 16:19-31 | The parable of the rich fool and Lazarus (2) Luke 17:5-10 | The parable of the unprofitable servant Luke 18:1-8 | The parable of the unjust judge Luke 18:9-14 | The parable of the Pharisee and tax-collector Luke 19:11-27 | The parable of the pounds Matthew 21:28-32 | The parable of the two sons Matthew 21:33-46 | The parable of the wicked tenants Matthew 22:1-14 | The parable of the wedding feast (1) Matthew 22:1-14 | The parable of the wedding feast (2) Matthew 22:23-32 | He is not the God of the dead Matthew 23:1-12 | Do not do according to their deeds Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (1) Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (2) Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (3) Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (4) Matthew 23:29-31 | You are the sons of those who murdered the prophets Matthew 23:32 | Fill up then the measure of your fathers Matthew 23:33 | How shall you escape the sentence of hell (1) Matthew 23:33 | How shall you escape the sentence of hell (2) Matthew 23:37-39 | How often would I have gathered your children Matthew 24:1-4 | What will be the sign of your coming Matthew 24:15 | When you see the abomination of desolation Matthew 24:24 | False Christs and false prophets will arise Matthew 24:28 | There the vultures will gather Luke 21:25-27 | There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars Matthew 24:29-31 | The sign of the Son of man will appear in the sky Luke 21:28 | Your redemption is drawing near (1) Luke 21:28 | Your redemption is drawing near (2) Mark 13:33-37 | Take heed, watch Matthew 24:34 | This generation will not pass away Matthew 25:1-13 | The parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25:14-30 | The parable of the talents Matthew 24-25 | The parables of the Second Coming Matthew 25:31-46 | As a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (1) Matthew 25:31-46 | As a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats (2) John 14:21 | I will manifest myself (1) John 14:21 | I will manifest myself (2) Luke 22:31-34 | Satan demanded to have you (1) Luke 22:31-34 | Satan demanded to have you (2) Matthew 26:41 | The flesh is weak Matthew 28:18-20 | Make disciples 1Corinthians 6:17 | Baptism (1): a sacrament of union 1Peter 3:21 | Baptism (2): a pledge to God Romans 6:3 | Baptism (3): dying to sin Colossians 2:12-13 | Baptism (4): raised with Christ Acts 2:38 | Baptism (5): Receiving the Holy Spirit