MARK 10:46-52
In the previous lesson, we were studying the words of the Lord Jesus in Mark 10:32-45, a passage in which Jesus revealed to His disciples that He was about to be put to death. This was actually the third time He told them that He would suffer and die, and that He would be raised from the dead on the third day.
But while He was speaking of His humiliation, the disciples were thinking of their personal glory, of their own exaltation. They wanted to be exalted to the right hand and the left hand of Christ. James and John said to Jesus, Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on Your left, in Your glory (v. 37). That was quite a bold and inconsiderate request, that came so strangely after Jesus has spoken of his suffering and death. There seems to be no connection between the conversation of the disciples and what the Lord had just said.