1Corinthians 6:17 | Baptism (1): a sacrament of union

1Corinthians 6:17 | Baptism (1): a sacrament of union

1CORINTHIANS 6:17BAPTISM (1): A SACRAMENT OF UNION Today, I would like to begin a series of lessons on the meaning of baptism. I am often distressed to see that there are Christians who have been baptized without really knowing what it is that they were doing. And...
1Corinthians 6:17 | Baptism (1): a sacrament of union

1Peter 3:21 | Baptism (2): a pledge to God

1PETER 3:21BAPTISM (2): A PLEDGE TO GOD We will continue today our study of the meaning of baptism. We saw the last time that baptism is a sacrament of union. Baptism is the symbol of the union that takes place between the believer and Christ. In our lesson today, I...
1Corinthians 6:17 | Baptism (1): a sacrament of union

Romans 6:3 | Baptism (3): dying to sin

ROMANS 6:3 BAPTISM (3): DYING TO SIN In our last lesson, we saw that baptism is a pledge, a pledge to God by which you make Him King of your life. You are saying to God, that by His grace, you are going to remain faithful to Him, faithful unto death. This is the...
1Corinthians 6:17 | Baptism (1): a sacrament of union

Colossians 2:12-13 | Baptism (4): raised with Christ

COLOSSIANS 2:12-13BAPTISM (4): RAISED WITH CHRIST Today, I would like us to look at another aspect of the meaning of baptism. We have seen in this series on baptism that baptism is a union, union with the Lord Jesus. In this union with Christ, we identify ourselves to...
1Corinthians 6:17 | Baptism (1): a sacrament of union

Acts 2:38 | Baptism (5): Receiving the Holy Spirit

ACTS 2:38 BAPTISM (5): RECEIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT The topic of baptism is closely linked with the question of the Holy Spirit. Just a superficial reading of the NT gives us already the impression that there seems to be something between ‘baptism’ and the ‘Holy Spirit.’...