John 2:13-22 | In three days I will raise it up

John 2:13-22 | In three days I will raise it up

JOHN 2:13-22IN THREE DAYS I WILL RAISE IT UP The Jews considered the temple to be God’s house. But the arrival of Jesus altered this understanding of the temple. The glory of God will be found somewhere else. Jesus alluded to this change early in His ministry, in John...
John 2:13-22 | In three days I will raise it up

John 3:14-15 | The bronze serpent

JOHN 3:14-15THE BRONZE SERPENT If I were to ask you to quote John 3:16, I am pretty sure that most of you would be able to do it. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. But...
John 2:13-22 | In three days I will raise it up

John 7:38 | Rivers of living water

JOHN 7:38RIVERS OF LIVING WATER The Feast of Tabernacles was probably the most popular feast among the Jews. Because of its popularity, it was simply called The Feast (1Kings 8:2). It was celebrated to remember how God protected Israel in its travel across the...
John 2:13-22 | In three days I will raise it up

John 14:21 | I will manifest myself (1)

JOHN 14:21I WILL MANIFEST MYSELF (1) In discussing the existence of God with non-believers, there are typical questions that can be expected. ‘Prove to me that God exists. Where is God now? Show me that He is real. How can I believe in someone that I don’t see?’ These...
John 2:13-22 | In three days I will raise it up

John 14:21 | I will manifest myself (2)

JOHN 14:21I WILL MANIFEST MYSELF (2) This lesson is the second part of a study on the words of Jesus in John 14:21 where the Lord said, I will manifest myself. We saw the last time that when Jesus said, I will manifest myself, He was referring to His resurrection. I...