by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
LUKE 2:14PEACE TOWARD MEN OF GOOD WILL (1) The coming of the Messiah is a major theme of the OT. It is constantly repeated throughout the pages of the OT. In the NT, we are told that it is the angels who have the privilege to announce the imminent coming of Christ. We...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
LUKE 2:14PEACE TOWARD MEN OF GOOD WILL (2) You will remember that in our last lesson, we were talking about the message of the angels found in Luke 2:14. The angels gave glory to God and they said in that verse, On earth peace among men with whom He is pleased. Peace...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
LUKE 2:49 I MUST BE ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS The first recorded words of our Lord Jesus are found in Luke 2:49. This is what we read. Luke 2:49. And He (Jesus) said to them (to his parents), “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
LUKE 4:1-4 THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (1) I would like to invite you to open your Bible and read Luke 4:1-4. This is what we find. Luke 4:1. And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led about by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days,...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 13, 2021
LUKE 4:5-8THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (2) We will continue today our study of the temptation of Christ, as we explore more deeply the meaning of the temptation. Listen to the audio Download the podcast Download as PDF MANUSCRIPT Download the lesson as PDF AUDIO Luke...