Matthew 10:5-15 | Find out who is worthy

Matthew 10:5-15 | Find out who is worthy

MATTHEW 10:5-15 FIND OUT WHO IS WORTHY The Lord Jesus had a threefold ministry that should serve as the primary guide for believers: He preached, He taught, and He healed. This is well described in Matthew 9:35 where we read that Jesus went about all the cities and...
Matthew 10:5-15 | Find out who is worthy

Matthew 10:24-33 | Fear not

MATTHEW 10:24-33 FEAR NOT There is an expression that is reiterated over and over again in the Bible, both in the OT and in the NT. It is the expression ‘Fear not,’ or ‘Do not be afraid.’ In the gospels, ‘Fear not’ appears mostly in Matthew and in Luke. It is used by...
Matthew 10:5-15 | Find out who is worthy

Matthew 10:34-36 | I came to bring a sword

MATTHEW 10:34-36 I CAME TO BRING A SWORD The Lord Jesus has said many times that much persecution is to be encountered by those who choose to follow Him. This is how He describes the object of His mission on earth. Matthew 10:34. “Do not think that I came to...
Matthew 10:5-15 | Find out who is worthy

Matthew 10:38-39 | He who does not take his cross

MATTHEW 10:38-39 HE WHO DOES NOT TAKE HIS CROSS For Christians, the cross is the instrument of Christ’s atoning death. It is only through the cross of Christ and through the blood of His cross that we have our salvation. Jesus’ death on the cross was for all people....
Matthew 10:5-15 | Find out who is worthy

Matthew 11:1-11 | Greater than John the Baptist

MATTHEW 11:1-11 GREATER THAN JOHN THE BAPTIST In today’s lesson, we are going to look at John the Baptist. John is a very important prophet and there are many things we can learn from his ministry and his character. Let us read Matthew 11:1-11. Listen to the audio...