Matthew 11:12 | The kingdom of God has been forcefully coming

Matthew 11:12 | The kingdom of God has been forcefully coming

MATTHEW 11:12THE KINGDOM OF GOD HAS BEEN FORCEFULLY COMING When John the Baptist began to proclaim the kingdom of heaven, a new situation happened which is described in terms of ‘violence’ in Matthew 11:12. Let’s read that intriguing verse. I will use the New King...
Matthew 11:12 | The kingdom of God has been forcefully coming

Matthew 11:13-24 | To what shall I compare this generation

MATTHEW 11:13-24 TO WHAT SHALL I COMPARE THIS GENERATION Unresponsiveness to the voice of God is the characteristic of this generation. This indifference will lead the majority to their downfall. That is the declaration of Jesus in Matthew 11:13-24. Let’s read this...
Matthew 11:12 | The kingdom of God has been forcefully coming

Matthew 11:25-30 | I will give you rest

MATTHEW 11:25-30I WILL GIVE YOU REST I would like to invite you to turn with me to the gospel of Matthew, chapter 11, v. 28. Matthew 11:28. Here, Jesus says this.Matthew 11:28. Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Listen to the...
Matthew 11:12 | The kingdom of God has been forcefully coming

Matthew 11:30-12:5 | My yoke is easy

MATTHEW 11:30-12:5 MY YOKE IS EASY Let’s open our Bible and look at the passage found in Matthew 11:25-30. This is what we read. Matthew 11:25. At that time Jesus answered and said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these...
Matthew 11:12 | The kingdom of God has been forcefully coming

Matthew 12:1-8 | The Son of Man is Lord

MATTHEW 12:1-8 THE SON OF MAN IS LORD Today, I would like us to fix our eyes on the glory of the Lord Jesus. We want to fix our eyes on Him and pray that God will help us to see some measure of that glory. We want to learn to enter into a deep fellowship with the Lord...