by monwebmestre | Nov 8, 2021
LUKE 14:7-11 THE PARABLE OF THE GUESTS The Lord Jesus was not one to mince words. In the midst of the Pharisees who were trying to trap Him in any way, Jesus did not hesitate to admonish them for their arrogance. He gave them a lesson on humility in the parable of the...
by monwebmestre | Nov 8, 2021
LUKE 14:12-24 THE PARABLE OF THE GREAT BANQUET In the spiritual realm, certain things are turned up side down. We saw in our last lesson that the proud are humbled and the humble are exalted. This is mentioned in Luke 14:11 in the parable of the guests. Today we will...
by monwebmestre | Nov 8, 2021
LUKE 14:25-33 COUNT THE COST The Lord Jesus was not a salesman. He never tried to sell Christianity. He never asked people to follow Him by telling them only the benefits they would get. On the contrary, He often told them about the difficulties and the hardships they...
by monwebmestre | Nov 8, 2021
LUKE 14:26 IF ANYONE COMES TO ME AND DOES NOT HATE Discipleship is fundamentally a call to allegiance. Jesus is to have first place over everything and everyone. In the gospel of Luke, the Lord mentions father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and even...