by monwebmestre | Nov 8, 2021
LUKE 15:1-7 THE PARABLE OF THE LOST SHEEP God is not a God of the few, a God of the wise, or a God only of those who think they are spiritual. He is a God who will go to great lengths to search for the sinner – any sinner. That is what Jesus wanted to communicate in...
by monwebmestre | Nov 5, 2021
LUKE 15:8-10 THE PARABLE OF THE LOST COIN Today we are going to look at this beautiful parable of the Lord’s teaching in Luke 15:8-10, what is usually called the Parable of the Lost Coin. I have no hesitation to say that it is a very beautiful parable and yet,...
by monwebmestre | Nov 5, 2021
LUKE 15:11-32 THE PARABLE OF THE LOST SON The parable of the lost son is probably one of the most powerful pictures of the forgiving love of God. Through that story, Jesus presents a vivid illustration of God and His mercy for repentant sinners. The passage goes from...