by monwebmestre | Nov 5, 2021
LUKE 16:1-13 THE PARABLE OF THE SHREWD STEWARD Of all the parables of Jesus, the parable of the shrewd steward is probably the most difficult one to interpret. The story raises many puzzling questions. Particularly troubling is the commendation by the master of his...
by monwebmestre | Nov 5, 2021
LUKE 16:19-31 THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL AND LAZARUS (1) Among all the parables that Jesus had taught, there is only one which does not limit its action to events in this world but carries over into the next. It is the parable of the rich fool and Lazarus. Let’s...
by monwebmestre | Nov 5, 2021
LUKE 16:19-31 THE PARABLE OF THE RICH FOOL AND LAZARUS (2) This lesson forms the second part of a study on the parable of the rich fool and Lazarus. We mentioned in the first part that the kingdom of God is the central theme of Jesus’ parables. This kingdom refers to...