Luke 4:1-4 | The temptation of Christ (1)

Luke 4:1-4 | The temptation of Christ (1)

LUKE 4:1-4 THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (1) I would like to invite you to open your Bible and read Luke 4:1-4. This is what we find. Luke 4:1. And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led about by the Spirit in the wilderness 2 for forty days,...
Luke 4:1-4 | The temptation of Christ (1)

Luke 4:5-8 | The temptation of Christ (2)

LUKE 4:5-8THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (2) We will continue today our study of the temptation of Christ, as we explore more deeply the meaning of the temptation. Listen to the audio Download the podcast Download as PDF MANUSCRIPT Download the lesson as PDF AUDIO Luke...
Luke 4:1-4 | The temptation of Christ (1)

Luke 4:9-13 | The temptation of Christ (3)

LUKE 4:9-13THE TEMPTATION OF CHRIST (3) Today we will continue and conclude our study of the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. If you have heard the first two lessons of this series, I hope that you are beginning to see how Satan can be subtle. The devil usually...