Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (1)

Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (1)

LUKE 8:4-8 THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER (1) The parables are central in Jesus’ teaching. Depending on what we count as a parable, there are approximately fifty that appear in the synoptic gospels. We will study the major parables of Jesus, starting today with the parable...
Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (1)

Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (2)

LUKE 8:4-8 THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER (2) We will continue today our study of the parable of the sower. We mentioned in our previous lesson that the first soil represents people whose hearts are not open to the word of God. They are unbelievers who pay no attention to...
Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (1)

Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (3)

LUKE 8:4-8 THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER (3) We will return today to the parable of the sower in Luke 8. This time, we will approach it from a different angle. The parable of the sower, as you know, is a foundation parable. It sums up most effectively the Lord’s whole...
Luke 8:4-8 | The parable of the sower (1)

Luke 8:16-18 | The parable of the lamp and the measure

LUKE 8:16-18 THE PARABLE OF THE LAMP AND THE MEASURE The parable of the sower is immediately followed both in Mark and Luke by another parable, a parable concerning a lamp and a measure. It is found in Luke 8:16-18, and also in Mark 4:21-25 with a slightly different...