by monwebmestre | Nov 9, 2021
MATTHEW 18:1-4 UNLESS YOU BECOME LIKE CHILDREN The Lord Jesus, in His teaching, used the example of a child as a model of true discipleship. Most Christians know this passage in Matthew 18 where Jesus instructed His disciples to ‘become like children.’...
by monwebmestre | Nov 9, 2021
MATTHEW 18:5-9 THAT MAN THROUGH WHOM THE STUMBLING BLOCK COMES The followers of Christ have to face constant temptations. These temptations are referred to as ‘stumbling blocks’ in Matthew 18. They are a real danger and Jesus speaks very seriously about...
by monwebmestre | Nov 9, 2021
MATTHEW 18:10THEIR ANGELS ALWAYS BEHOLD THE FACE OF MY FATHER In our previous lesson, we were studying Matthew 18:5-9 where Jesus said to His disciples that they must take great care not to cause anyone who believes in Him to stumble. We saw that the stumbling is to...
by monwebmestre | Nov 9, 2021
MATTHEW 18:15-20 IF YOUR BROTHER SINS Sin in the Christian community is a matter of great concern for Jesus. It can be so damaging to the church that the Lord lays down very specific steps as to how the problem is to be handled. These steps are described in Matthew...
by monwebmestre | Nov 9, 2021
MATTHEW 18:21-35 THE PARABLE OF THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT The Lord Jesus taught His followers not just to receive forgiveness but also to show such forgiveness. This point is at the heart of the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. The story is recorded only in Matthew,...