Matthew 23:1-12 | Do not do according to their deeds

Matthew 23:1-12 | Do not do according to their deeds

MATTHEW 23:1-12 DO NOT DO ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught how to live. The counterpart of the Sermon on the Mount is, in my opinion, Matthew 23 where Jesus taught how not to live. In this chapter, Matthew 23, Jesus criticized false...
Matthew 23:1-12 | Do not do according to their deeds

Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (1)

MATTHEW 23:13-31 WOE TO YOU … HYPOCRITES (1) In our previous lesson, we began the study of Matthew 23, a well-known chapter where Jesus exposed ruthlessly the failings of the religious leaders. Seven times He used the solemn expression ‘woe to you.’ Six...
Matthew 23:1-12 | Do not do according to their deeds

Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (2)

MATTHEW 23:13-31 WOE TO YOU … HYPOCRITES (2) Matthew 23 contains seven denunciations against the Jewish leaders. ‘Woe to you,’ Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees. We saw in our previous lesson that the expression ‘woe to you’ is an...
Matthew 23:1-12 | Do not do according to their deeds

Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (3)

MATTHEW 23:13-31WOE TO YOU … HYPOCRITES (3) The Lord Jesus denounced the Pharisees more than any other kind of people. We saw in the last two lessons that in Matthew 23, He called them ‘hypocrites’ six times (verses 13, 15, 23, 25, 27, 29) and explained...
Matthew 23:1-12 | Do not do according to their deeds

Matthew 23:13-31 | Woe to you … hypocrites (4)

MATTHEW 23:13-31 WOE TO YOU … HYPOCRITES (4) In our last lesson, we were discussing the subject of hypocrisy in Matthew 23 and we saw that hypocrisy is a sin that has catastrophic consequences. When Jesus said, How will you (scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites) escape...