by Yves Cheng | Nov 12, 2021
MATTHEW 7:1-5DO NOT JUDGE LEST YOU BE JUDGED Matthew 7 could be rightly called ‘The Christians’ relationships’ because it deals with various types of people with whom the Christian is related. It begins with his relationship to the brother. Today we will study the...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 12, 2021
MATTHEW 7:6DO NOT GIVE WHAT IS HOLY TO DOGS At the beginning of Matthew 7, the Lord Jesus said that we are not to judge others. The Christian should never adopt a judgmental attitude. On the other hand, this doesn’t mean that we should be without discernment. We are...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 12, 2021
MATTHEW 7:7-11ASK AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU We saw in our previous lessons that the Lord Jesus teaches us not to judge and not to give holy things to dogs. In those verses, He warns us against judgementalism and against being undiscriminating. Now He makes this...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 12, 2021
MATTHEW 7:12DO ALSO TO THEM One of the most well-known statements that the Lord Jesus ever said is found in Matthew 7:12. It is often called the ‘golden rule’ of life. Here is what Jesus teaches.Matthew 7:12. Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to...
by Yves Cheng | Nov 11, 2021
MATTHEW 7:13-14 ENTER BY THE NARROW GATE We will continue today our study of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ teaching is now drawing to a close. He concludes His message with a surprising toughness, giving several warnings and exhortations. This is what we read in...