Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus

Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus

MATTHEW 3:13-17THE BAPTISM OF JESUS We will study today a topic that is not necessarily too popular nowadays. And this topic is about submission. Today we want to insist on equality. Equality of rights. Equality between the genders. Equality between the different...
Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus

Matthew 4:17 | Repent

MATTHEW 4:17REPENT I would like to invite you to open your Bible and to turn with me to Matthew 4:17. And this is what we read.Matthew 4:17. From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Listen to the audio Download the...
Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus

Matthew 4:18-22 | I will make you fishers of men

MATTHEW 4:18-22I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN Today I would like to talk to you about Jesus’ concept of discipleship, the Lord’s teaching concerning discipleship. And for this, we will look at the passage in Matthew 4:18-22. This is what we read.Matthew 4:18. And...
Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus

Matthew 4:18-22 | Called to be saints

MATTHEW 4:18-22CALLED TO BE SAINTS In our previous lesson, we were studying Matthew 4:18-22. And you will remember that we focused our attention on Jesus’ statement when He said, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. It was a lesson in which we stressed the...
Matthew 3:13-17 | The baptism of Jesus

Matthew 5:3 | Blessed are the poor in spirit

MATTHEW 5:3BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT With this lesson, we will begin a series of studies on the Beatitudes. The Beatitudes, as you know, is the Lord’s description of what a Christian should be in his character. If you want to know what are the spiritual...