Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (1)

Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (1)

MATTHEW 6:11GIVE US OUR DAILY BREAD (1) We will continue today our study of the Lord’s Prayer in the gospel of Matthew. And we will concentrate on v. 11 of Matthew 6. In Matthew 6:11, Jesus asks us to pray this prayer. This is what we read from the New King James...
Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (1)

Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (2)

MATTHEW 6:11GIVE US OUR DAILY BREAD (2) In our previous lesson, you will remember that we were studying the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 6:11 where He said, Give us this day our daily bread. I pointed out to you that a better translation, according to most Bible...
Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (1)

Matthew 6:12 | Forgive us our debts

MATTHEW 6:12FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS In the Lord’s Prayer, in Matthew 6:12, the Lord Jesus asks us to pray to our Father in heaven in this way.Matthew 6:12. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Have you...
Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (1)

Matthew 6:13 | Lead us not into temptation

MATTHEW 6:13 LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION We have been expounding on the Lord’s Prayer for some time now. And today, we will look at the last petition of the Lord’s Prayer. In Matthew 6:13, the Lord Jesus teaches us to pray to God in this way. Matthew 6:13. And do not...
Matthew 6:11 | Give us our daily bread (1)

Matthew 6:22-23 | The lamp of the body is the eye

MATTHEW 6:22-23THE LAMP OF THE BODY IS THE EYE We will study today the passage in Matthew 6:22-23. Here the Lord Jesus uses a metaphor to teach us something very important about spiritual perception.Matthew 6:22. The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye...